Life is vanity some say, if you choose to follow the exceptions. In life, we all fall in the ‘normal’ category in one thing or the other. However our world has constantly and very much consistently glorified the exceptions in this world to the point normal has become bad. A generation that suffers from warped self views and ridiculous expectations of themselves is the current one. What with the media preaching exception is good normal is bad? A few examples if I may:-
There are those who barely struggled in school, they never put any serious effort but were always at the top- that’s genius! On the other hand most of us have to sweat a bit to get good results…there’s nothing wrong with you, you just need to work harder to get to that level. The genius in this world are the exceptions, the rest are normal.
Then there are the perpetually slim people, they eat anything and everything and still remain slim, even after several babies or a chef for a wife. They just lose weight while sitting…the rest so much as look at food and they gain weight. They have to toil in the gym and watch what they eat. Anyone can maintain a healthy weight for their body but most have to work at it. That is normal.
Of course there are those with the golden touch, success seems to be their shadow, they get all the big breaks at little effort, and it’s like they were born with silver spoons. They seem to know every big shot in the industry and they get to the top before they are barely thirty. However the rest of us have to work, plan, and prepare to get the success we wish. We must make a deliberate effort to get exposure and see our dreams through.
My personal favorite is the lottery winners; they just get free cash pap!! However the rest have to work for every penny to their name. They must wake up every morning do some form of work and get paid for it. Each coin they have is a miserly pay for their hard work.
There are many more of those seemingly exceptional people in this life. What we forget is that while they may be exceptional in one area they are really normal people in another area. You don’t have to be just like them, but you can embrace who you are and work with your reality. It really is about time that we stop living in another person’s exceptional dream and build our own! It is about time you and I stop looking over the shoulder wanting to be some other person. You have to embrace your situation and do your best with what you have… you happen to be stuck with yourself for the rest of this life, wouldn’t you rather enjoy being you?


An assortment of my stories and perceptions

A Fathers Journey

Sharing day to day experiences on this journey of parenthood

Relationships Corner

Loving People back to life!

Munene Gangi

Have a cold blast of realism...

Kamah's Voices

Random thoughts of an Imperfect Man!


Sexual Purity Support & Recovery Group

Pastor Linda's Blog

Insights for Women in Leadership

The Mavuno Word Challenge

"He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught" Isaiah 50: 4


Turning Ordinary People Into Fearless Influencers Of Society